A 41-year-old airline ramp service worker came to our office when he was off work not receiving benefits. He injured his arm and neck in a work accident. His employer accepted his arm claim but disputed his neck claim. He received permanent restrictions from his physician relative to both his arm and neck, which prevented him from returning to work as an airline ramp service worker, a position where he worked for over 20 years prior to his accident. He underwent a course of vocational rehabilitation and the vocational expert was not able to assist him to find employment. At hearing, the Arbitrator found Petitioner unable to return to work as a ramp service worker but found he could find a job earning $9/hour. As such, he was awarded weekly benefits in the form of a wage differential of two thirds of the difference between his ramp service worker salary and a job earning $9/hour. The benefits total $323.47 per week, and he will receive them for life.
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