We stand with the families.
The AFL-CIO reported the opinions of leading labor experts and their concerns about the implications of this strike, not just here in Joliet, Illinois, but throughout the country. To read more, click here.
The New York Times also covered this story, here.
Ridge & Associates is proud to support the 800 hard-working men and women of IAM Local Lodge 851 in their struggle against Caterpillar. When this strike started, we pledged to match donations, up to $10,000, to the IAM Local Lodge 851 Food Bank. If you would like to show your support, please make checks payable to IAM Local Lodge 851 Food Bank. Please send checks to: IAM Local Lodge 851, 13157 S. Thomas Dillon Drive, Suite B, Channahon, Illinois, 60410.
A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated.