It has come to our attention that legislation to reduce benefits under the Workers’ Compensation Act will be offered in the Illinois House as early as Thursday, May 21st. Now is the time to act, protect your rights and the rights of everyone in Illinois.
Please contact your local State Representative and explain your opposition to any Workers’ Compensation “reform.” Let your Representative know:
You oppose any “reform” that reduces the benefits paid to injured workers.
You oppose any change in the causation standard as the law already provides that only work-related injuries are covered under the Act.
You oppose any reduction in the medical fee schedule as it will reduce an injured worker’s access to quality medical care.
You believe that the recent (2011) reductions in injured workers’ benefits have not translated into savings for employers because insurance companies have not reduced premiums accordingly.
You oppose any changes to the tort system that would unfairly change the system to favor corporate and insurance interests.
Let your voice be heard!!!
You can find your State Representative’s contact information here.
A call is great – an e-mail or letter is forever.